Being an Employer of Choice

Akshaya is a people-oriented company and we truly believe that happy and energized employees are the key to our success. We are committed towards attracting and retaining talent and following the best practices to ensure that they build fruitful and rewarding careers with us. We strive to create a vibrant and open work environment that is employee-friendly and socially responsible. We offer a good work culture that provides opportunities for constant learning and growth, based on our culture of performance and meritocracy.

Rewarding is intrinsic to our nature and we ensure that excellence never goes unrecognized. We believe that rewarding provides recognition and motivation to high performers to continue with their winning ways.

A Culture of Transparency

Akshaya believes that open, transparent and frequent communication with employees on both good and bad news fosters trust and goes a long way in building employee loyalty.

Empowering employees to voice their ideas, concerns and feedback is a key piece to keeping them happy. A key channel for garnering feedback is the Employee Feedback Form Etc Survey—the results of which are driven with rigor and passion throughout the company.

Our Partners & Associates


T2M Consulting Inc., USA


ARP Systems Inc., USA


NSS Consulting.


Neo Provectus Software Solutions (P) Limited


NthDimenzion Solutions, Bangalore